以下是For Mac OSX用的快速鍵
1. Apple Logo
快速鍵 : Option-Shift-K
2. Zero Brightness~馬上把螢幕亮度切至無亮度
快速鍵 : Control-Shift-Eject
Note. Instantly turn your display off without logging out from the system.
3. Adjust Volume Bar~微調音量,可將原本一格的音量調整再細分為四等份,作四分之一的微調
快速鍵 : Option-Shift-F4 / Option-Shift-F5
Note. Increase/decrease your volume bar by a quarter each time it's invoked. This is particularly useful for fine tuning Mac with bombastic sound system.
4. Double Buffer~Control-K可剪下游標後方的整段文字(不需反白),Control-Y可將用Control-K剪下的文字貼上,類似Copy & Paste的功能
快速鍵 : Control-K (Kill) and Control-Y (Yank)
Note. Like, Cut and Paste, combination of Kill and Yank can help you organize your text easily. Cut followed by Kill grants you double text buffer.
5. Home and End~將游標移至文章的首字及尾字
快速鍵 : Control-A (Home) and Control-E (End)
Note. This is pretty much the substitution for Windows button HOME and END. Pressing Command-← or Command-→ performs the same action.
6. Delete and Backspace~就是Delete 跟 Backspace的快速鍵,這個Delete(Control-D)的快速鍵筆使用筆電時可按的fn+delete好按得多
快速鍵 : Control-D (Delete) and Control-H (Backspace)
Note. In Windows, we've got two buttons for this : DEL and BACKSPACE. You can use Fn-Delete to perform forward deletion while the button Delete acts as Backspace.
7. Related Messages~在Mail裡使用的快速鍵~方便回信時用
快速鍵 : Command-Shift-K
Note. Selects all related messages in the same mailbox.
8. Open Address in New Tab~在新分頁中開啟網址
快速鍵 : Command-Enter
Note. While highlighting address bar, pressing this shortcut will bring up new tab of that selected address.
9. Google Search Box~在Safari與Firefox瀏覽器中可將游標快速移至搜尋bar中(按Command-L是前往網址列)
快速鍵 : Command-Option-F
Note. Quickly jumps your cursor to Google Search Box. Saving your mouse click as well as your precious ticks of seconds.
10. Zoom~放大或縮小螢幕的功能(也可利用Control+滑鼠滾輪,但需要在偏好設定中開啟此功能)
快速鍵 : Command-Option-[+] (Zoom In) or Command-Option-[-] (Zoom Out)
Note. Zoom in/out your display; making tiny objects looks huge.
轉載原文於此:Unveiling 10 Hidden OS X Shortcuts
另有:Mac OS X Leopard: 200+ Productivity Booster Keyboard Shortcuts
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